Well, I just found out that this is the last bit they will run on this well. That's welcome news. They are drilling it slow to extend it's life so we'll be drilling for another 3 or 4 days. I'll probobly be finished here a few days after that. Thank god.
Carol returned to camp yesterday. She cooks much better than Barry does, even though from the looks of Barry food is pretty important to him. Barry can cook, and he makes lots of different stuff, but none of it is really really good. Carol makes good food, even when it's food I don't like it's better than it could have been.
Dick, my trainer, would like to stay up here for ever, I think. When we found out we'd be done soon he said, "I wonder if we can convince them to run another bit after this one." He's got a family, and you'd think they'd want him to come home at some point... but after working with this guy for a month straight of 12hr shifts I can see why they don't mind his absence. He's been up here for like 6 of the last 8 months. I could rant all day about Dick, but I won't. Let's just say I've had enough.
I already know what I'm going to have for dinner my first night out of here, pizza and beer. It was the last meal I ate before coming into the camp from Pemberton come to think of it.
They've been testing one of the other wells here for the past 2 days and I don't think it's going too well. The president of the company is here and he sure doesn't seem happy. It'd be nice to see them get a productive well, I don't think Canada has any geothermal wells at all. And this sure would be a good place to find one, we're right above a subduction zone and there are hotsprings all over. They have heat here, they just need fluid movement in the rocks.
As soon as the sky clears a bit I'll get some pictures of the mountains around here. It's a huge change from when I got here and everything was under 6 feet of snow.