Back to work
I'm finally getting back to work! I had most of June to relax and check out Portland. It was nice to have so much time off. I might have gone back to New York but the whole time I was off it looked like I might be going back to work in a few days.
Right now I'm relaxing at the motel in Ridgecrest, I drove down from Portland yesterday (15hrs!). This morning I went and picked up a few things from the drill site down here in the Mojave Desert. I was going to go for a jog, but it's so hot outside that I really don't think I want to. And there is no escaping the sun! There aren't any trees here really so there isn't any shade at all. I'm really glad it's a dry heat though, humidity would really make it unbearable.
Tomorrow I drive back up to Windsor and I'll be working in the office for a week or two. It'll be good to be making money again! Work in the office is really easy. My boss is kind of disorganized and it almost takes him longer to find things for me to do than it takes me to do them. Not that there isn't a ton of stuff to be done, he's just so disorganized.
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