really almost done now
I just saw the title of my last post and had to laugh. I'm still working. I've really had it now. We should have been done two days ago. There has been a lot of sitting around, and I don't just mean me. These past two days it's like everyone is just sitting around. And I can't figure out what in the hell we're all waiting for. We were supposed to test the well two days ago, then it was Saturday morning. Nothing at all happened Saturday morning, at all. So then it was going to be yesterday afternoon and I was going to have to come back out to take some samples because the guy working opposite me hasn't done that in 20 years. I figured no big deal, I'll go to the house get a quick nap and when he calls I'll come back out. I woke up around 6pm and was wondering if I missed the call, I sleep pretty heavy and have gotten good at ignoring the telemarketers that call during the day while I'm sleeping. So after a few phone calls I find out that I hadn't missed the call and that they weren't going to test the well until 6am today (Sunday). Whatever, I figured I'd go to sleep and come out to work at midnight for my shift and sit around until the test. The test will only take an hour or so to run once they are ready. Well it's 6am and they haven't even started to get ready for it. They spent the night cleaning the rig instead. So help me, if they don't get to it this morning I'm going to lose it. I've heard stories of people going crazy after a long job like this and the last few days just keep dragging on and on for one more day and then one more day. I'm getting there right now. I've gotten to that point where I don't even care if I get paid for another day, really I just want to get the hell out of here. If they don't test on my shift, I'm going to have to come back out this afternoon for it. And then I want to rig our crap down and leave. What's even more annoying is that this is the only job our company has right now, so we have at least 3 other guys that could be here rather than me. But I guess when you're the one leaving the company, your priorities come last... make sure all the guys that will be around getting screwed all summer are at least happy going into it.
Just four more hours of work... spread out over the past 3 days.