The Big Here Quiz
Ok, So I'm at work and bored again, what else is new...
I found this today. Its a quiz to see how much you know about where you live. It has to do with watersheds and natural processes, so I figured with my background I should do alright. Out of 30 questions I got about 11 right, maybe 4 or 5 half right and had no clue on the rest. I should add that I did the quiz with where I am right now in mind, not my home in Tahoe... Although since I've only been there for a little over half a year I probably would only do marginally better. Anyway, it really made me think about how little I know about these places. Some of the questions I got right should be a given considering the work I'm doing here, but they still made me think. It gives you an awareness for the environment and how much we can take it for granted and how easy it can be to overlook it and the consequences our lives have on it.
By the way, the cool tools website is a great place to kill some time if you're ever bored... unfortunately, I've already read pretty much everything there. But it's very interesting, as is the rest of the Kevin Kelly website outside of the cool tools section. And the cool tools are pretty damn cool.
I also did something about the logistical side of my photography and realized that I'm spending a lot of money on film and processing. In fact, I have spent enough over the past half a year to have purchased a digital SLR camera. If I had a digital SLR I would no longer pay for film or processing, just to print the pictures I think are best. And as it stands right now I end up spending extra getting decent sized prints of my favorites so that's a cost I have now anyway. Of course this is a terrible time to be thinking of spending $600 on an entry level digital SLR because I'm trying to save as much money as I can before I quit my job and go to Taiwan. Also, I have about 10 rolls of film that I haven't used yet which should last me a few months... except that I'm going to be driving across the country and doing a lot of travelling which will inspire me to burn through film like crazy. So I'm torn. And I really like my film camera, I just don't like pouring money into film. Damn it!
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