Tuesday, July 26, 2005

busy night?

busy night?
Originally uploaded by jono1515.

So we still haven't really been doing much here at work, in fact last
night was so slow that some of the rig hands weren't even doing
anything. We actually found one guy sleeping on the sub-floor of the
rig! They had been looking for him for awhile before they found him.
We got some pictures, but this is the best one. He was there
sleeping for about 3 hours, I think. Not really a good place to
nap though, if anything bad happens to the well that's pretty much
the last place you want to find yourself. We were trying to move
one of those man-lifts that painters use so we could get a better
picture but he woke up. They were going to just leave him there to
wake up sometime after his shift had ended, which would have been
really funny. But that just shows how busy we are around here, not
busy at all.

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