Friday, March 24, 2006

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Originally uploaded by jono1515.


Originally uploaded by jono1515.


Originally uploaded by jono1515.


Originally uploaded by jono1515.

This is my first ink sketch.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Skiing again

Went skiing today, seemed like a nice day to ski. We didn't get the foot of snow that was forcast, but it was still a nice day to ski. My confidence got a little shaken after I hit my second tree in the first three runs of the day. The first tree was no big deal, just a little one. Didn't think much of it until I hit the next much bigger tree. I only encountered the branches on those trees, but the second was big and kinda hurt. After those two, I had two near misses where I was lucky to have fallen just before I would've hit them. I stayed on the trails after that, and quickly got frustrated with all the people around. All in all it wasn't bad, I think I'll go again tomorrow and show those trees whose boss.
I found out I'll be heading back to work on Thursday, and not down to the Imperial Valley like I had thought. Back to my home-away-from-home, Cobb. Can't wait. The good news is that I should miss most of the rig-up work, and it's a job that gives me plenty of time to do whatever I want while I'm there like read, finally get on learning to tie flies for fishing and learn some basic Chinese for my trip to Taiwan.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

my bike

my bike
Originally uploaded by jono1515.

Bicycle Repair - Victorious!

Today I decided it was time to do something with the road bike I bought like 2 months ago at the thrift store for $5.50. I wasn't optimistic about the bike when I first bought it, it seemed to be held together by a lot of wire. The first thing I wanted to do was figure out if I needed 2 new tubes for the tires or just one. The front one had a really big hole in it and I decided that it was pointless to repair it. The rear one was in good shape. I went to the bike shop to get a new tube and was asked if it was a Schraeder or Presta valve on the tube. I had no clue and the guy ended up selling me a tube with a Presta valve, which is not what I had before. No big deal, I figured that at some point I'd need another new tube and I'd get a Schraeder one then. That time came a lot sooner than expected because I've already broken the Presta valve. It seems to still be holding the pressure OK so I'm not going to replace it just yet. The front brakes lack any cable at all, and the rear brakes didn't even come close to touching the rim, but an easy adjustment fixed that. So all in all, I got the thing at a point where I can ride it around. The gears seem to shift alright, but if the bike were worth anything I'd get different shifters. It's got the old school shifters that aren't indexed and I'm not a big fan of them. But for $5.50 and a new tube (another $4.75 - almost as much as the bike!) I'm not complaining. And, it's a beautiful day out. So I'm going to go out and see how long it takes before something else brakes on it!

Thursday, March 16, 2006


I got back from my unexpected 2 days of work just in time for some great skiing. The storm started a little while after I got back to my place and by the next day there was 2 feet of snow at my house. On Homewood Mountain, where I ski, there was about 3 feet of fresh powder on top of ridiculous base layer of like 15 feet. The first day (while it was still snowing) was exhausting. I didn't last too long, my ski's kept burrying themselves under the 3 feet of snow and I couldn't get going again. The next day was fantastic though, it was some really great skiing and the weather was beautiful - warm and sunny.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Short break

So I get a phone call at like 2pm yesterday, It's my boss and he needs me to go back to Cobb. I ask when he needs me there and he says well you'd need to be there sometime early in the morning. I was like, that means that I basically need to leave now. And that's what I did, hung up the phone, grabbed a clean shirt, boxers, socks and my sleeping bag and made the 4 hour drive out here.
This is the sort of thing I won't miss when I'm done with this job. A little heads up would be nice, even if I had known 1 day in advance... I'd have been irritated to have such short notice, but it's better than "Hey Jon, get in your car and forget about any plans you had for the rest of the day/weekend because you have to come back to work." So I got here, ate a quick dinner and went to bed because I needed to be out here at like 4am (I think they wanted me to be out here earlier, but I really really don't care, I wanted to be back in Tahoe with my friends... you can't always get what you want.).
So my vacation was (once again) cut short. I won't be here more than 2 days, but it's just annoying.
That's enough complaining I think... I only have two and a half more months of this crap to put up with and I'll be outa here.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Stained Glass Window - Enlarged

Stained Glass Window - Enlarged
Originally uploaded by jono1515.

I noticed this window in a picture I had taken inside the place we stayed up in Canton. The rest of the photo isn't very interesting, but I thought it was a pretty cool window so I cropped everything else out, and here it is - the window itself.

Tahoe Pier - Feb '06

Tahoe Pier - Feb '06
Originally uploaded by jono1515.

Canton NY Jan '06

Canton NY Jan '06
Originally uploaded by jono1515.

Canton NY Jan '06

Canton NY Jan '06
Originally uploaded by jono1515.

Canton NY Jan '06

Canton NY Jan '06
Originally uploaded by jono1515.

These are a few pictures I took back in January heading up to Canton.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

January 2006 - Canton, NY

January 2006 - Canton, NY
Originally uploaded by jono1515.

This is a photo I took up in Canton around Christmas. This was originally color but I think it looks better this way.

In other news, I got relief from my last job the other day. I am enjoying these short stretches of work, I know I couldn't do 6 weeks straight again like I did last year.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006