Tuesday, April 11, 2006


I'm back in Tahoe after another week of work. They messed the well up pretty good that I was just working on and they gave up on it. The accidentally drilled through the casing and at this point they'd be better off just drilling a new well. That's A OK with me because I can only stand about a week of Cobb at a time. I really really can't stand that place. As I was leaving I developed a pretty nasty problem with the exhaust system on my car, the pipe attached to the catalytic converter broke just ahead of the converter. It's hanging down in a way that will jam it into the road rather than drag it, hopefully I can get a shop to weld it back together rather than have to buy the $400 part.
I've been biking around a lot rather than drive the car and risk really messing it all up. The weather is nice here in Tahoe, warm and sunny. I'm hoping to go skiing a few days this week before I have to go back to work.
I finally got a haircut and no longer have 4 inch long hair. It's so much easier to have short hair again.
Not much else is going on right now, just relaxing and enjoying some time off.

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