Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I'm becoming increasingly frustrated at work with the lack of interest in any sort of detail about the rock formations we drill in. There are a few main broad sweepingly generalized rock types we find here. The big three seem to be Greywacke, Argillite and Greenstone. Now, these are really just types of rock and can easily be broken down further. For example, we officially log 3 types of greywacke, and this is still broadly over-simplified. Occasionally (not nearly as often as you'd think) I'm asked what we're drilling in. Usually it's either the driller or the company man asking. I'll start to tell them something like 80% greywacke and 20% argillite, and then I try to explain that there's this much type 1 and this much type 2 greywacke or if it's mostly argillite I'll start to describe it a little. The truth is, they don't care beyond greywacke and argillite. That's all they want to know. And I could understand the driller not really caring about any details, but the guy in charge? He should want to know at least a few details. I could show anyone how to tell between greywacke and argillite in less than a minute, you can tell from a glance how much of each of those you have. You should see how much detail we actually put on the logs, and no one cares. No one is even going to ever look at these samples we're saving for them ever again. Why even bother? You start to try to explain any of the details to anyone and their eyes gloss over. From what I understand, the project geologist (who only comes out like once a week) doesn't even know the difference between the three broad types of greywacke. I've only met him in passing, but it seems to me that if anyone knows the rocks here, that guy should. What if we had some completely incompetent geologist logging here? The project geologist would just take his word for everything! Scary thought, and even scarier is that no one cares. Oh well, I guess it just means less stress for me with no one really picking through the details.

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